swift – Cannot install iOS App – Code Signature No Longer Available


I have developed an app, my first, and successfully built and installed in on my phone for debugging purposes. When I prepared to submit it to the App Store, I was prompted with the error that it could not upload to App Store Connect because of a third party binary file. I resolved this by switching the associated frameworks to ‘Do not Embed’.

With the frameworks not embedded, I was unable to receive notifications using my Notification Service, that was successfully working when I embedded the framework: Pods_notificationService.framework. I have confirmed that I am still successfully sending my notifications with my android app. The notification service was working successfully prior to my switching the embed state.

I tried to switch the framework back to Embed and Sign status to re-enable the notification service. I can build this framework successfully, but cannot install on a device, with an error “Code Signature no longer available.”

In summary:

  1. App functions as intended, installing on device, notifications functioning
  2. Submit archived package to App Store Connect – receive error for app including stand alone executable – cannot upload
  3. Switched frameworks to ‘Do not embed’
  4. Successful App Store Connect upload
  5. Notifications no longer functioning due to non-embedded notification service
  6. Attempt to Embed & Sign notificationService.framework – Cannot install on device – Code Signature Version is No Longer Supported

This has been developed entirely in XCode13, and running on iOS 15 since it was successfully running two days ago. I have tried multiple different configurations of embedding, and I have done multiple restarts, and cleans.

Any and all help appreciated. Right now I cannot seem to make a notification functioning app that is allowed into the App Store, and I have seemingly lost the ability to run this on my own phone.