Episode 532: Peter Wyatt and Duff Johnson on 30 Years of PDF : Software Engineering Radio


Peter Wyatt, CTO at PDF Association and project co-leader of ISO 32000 (the core PDF standard), and Duff Johnson, CEO at PDF Association and ISO Project co-leader and US TAG chair for both ISO 32000 and ISO 14289 (PDF/UA), discuss the 30-year history of the portable document format (PDF). SE Radio’s Gavin Henry spoke with Wyatt and Johnson about a wide range of topics, including the PDF/A Archival format, key dates in PDF history (including why 2007 was such an important year), and PDF security. They explore details such as redaction of information in a PDF, object models, what Adobe did right, choosing PDF versions, efficient paging of documents, SafeDocs, selecting a PDF SDK, Arlington PDF, veraPDF. They further consider when to use the PDF format, binary and XML, javascript in PDFs, PDF linters and validators, backward compatibility, how HTML and PDF complement each other, the biggest PDFs in the world, PDF as a website, and the guests’ top 3 PDF security tips.

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SE Radio theme: “Broken Reality” by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com — Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0)

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