ruby – ios simulator not opening react native command line challenge mac


I’m making an attempt to arrange my growth atmosphere for a React Native challenge. npx react-native@newest init AwesomeProject lastly labored after upgrading Node to model 18, however the ios simulator won’t open with my challenge when working npx react-native run-ios.

I’m anticipating the simulator to open with my challenge after working npx react-native run-ios. I’ve tried so many issues, altering node/ruby variations, working bundle set up and bundle exec pod set up within the ios folder. Operating npx react-native run-ios nothing occurs. I am making an attempt to get this to work on a macbook 13.4

If I attempt to use a unique model of node (16.14.0) the bundler set up step fails throughout init:

✖ Putting in Bundler
error Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Did not construct gem native extension.

And sure I went in to Xcode and chosen the command line instruments…