ios – UIPickerView not taking part in the scrolling sound


It is a music app, and the picker used to play the scrolling sound, which I favored, however on the most recent OS updates it stopped. Tried the keyboard sound settings, did not work. Perhaps one thing I am lacking within the settings, within the storyboard or right here?

@interface ViewController ()

    NSArray *_pickerData;


- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    //picker knowledge
    _pickerData = @[@"ThaHood", @"Street", @"Cassette", @"Eastside", @"Chill", @"Jamming", @"Beat 2", @"Beat 3", @"The Hall", @"Funkit", @"Sided", @"Nisquare", @"Final Day", @"Recruit", @"Cypher", @"Angels", @"Super", @"Mortal"];
    // Join knowledge
    _picker.dataSource = self;
    _picker.delegate = self;

