ios – Apple Reality Kit Object Capture – Taking Pictures with the builtInUltraWideCamera


Take macro photos with the builtInUltraWideCamera that have depth data.
Input those images into Reality Kit Object Capture.

Used the code bellow from the “Taking Pictures for 3D Object Capture demo code” demo:

And changed the code bellow, to use the builtInUltraWideCamera

    /// This method checks for a depth-capable dual rear camera and, if found, returns an `AVCaptureDevice`.
    private func getVideoDeviceForPhotogrammetry() throws -> AVCaptureDevice {
        var defaultVideoDevice: AVCaptureDevice?

        // Specify dual camera to get access to depth data.
        if let dualCameraDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInUltraWideCamera, for: .video,
                                                          position: .back) {
            logger.log(">>> Got back dual camera!")
            defaultVideoDevice = dualCameraDevice
        } else if let dualWideCameraDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInUltraWideCamera,
                                                                for: .video,
                                                                position: .back) {
            logger.log(">>> Got back dual wide camera!")
            defaultVideoDevice = dualWideCameraDevice
       } else if let backWideCameraDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInUltraWideCamera,
                                                                     for: .video,
                                                                     position: .back) {
            logger.log(">>> Can't find a depth-capable camera: using wide back camera!")
            defaultVideoDevice = backWideCameraDevice

        guard let videoDevice = defaultVideoDevice else {
            logger.error("Back video device is unavailable.")
            throw SessionSetupError.configurationFailed
        return videoDevice

Problem: the image captured doesn’t have depth data.

Question: is it possible to get a depth map from the builtInUltraWideCamera,maybe using Lidar for example?