Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home iOS Development android – Which Developer environment would you recommend me? App dev

android – Which Developer environment would you recommend me? App dev


android – Which Developer environment would you recommend me? App dev – Stack Overflow


45 times

I hope this is the right place for a question like this.

I want to build an multi platform (Android & Appstore) Application for mobile devices.
I want the App to have an appealing & modern Interface and there will be small uncomplicated 3d & 2d memory training “games” in it.
Iam unsure which platform I should use for that (UnrealEngine & Unity & Flutter……)
My best guess until now is the mixture of Flutter and Unity.
What would you recommend me?
Iam willing to learn any programming language linked to the programm I use but I want the perfect platform for my needs so I dont have to switch in the middle of the process.

Thank you for answering

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