Home iOS Development xcode – React Native iOS build “Parse Issue” error with Could Not Build Module ‘CoreFoundation’

xcode – React Native iOS build “Parse Issue” error with Could Not Build Module ‘CoreFoundation’



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enter image description here

Current Error types = “Lexical or Preprocessor Issue” and “Parse Issue”

Current Dev Environment = React-Native “0.63.2”, Xcode 13.4.1, M1 chip macOS Monterey ver 12.2

Note = pod installs without any warning, npm install without any warning,
I do have an external framework “DeepAR.framework” which is from deepar.ai as well as
i integrated Firebase for FCM and Appcenter for CodePush and my xcode runs with rosetta

Things tried =

  1. clean build folder
  2. reinstall node_modules and Pods
  3. Apple Clang -> Compile Source As -> both “According to File Types” and “Objective-C++” in build settings
  4. Apple Clang -> Allow Non-Modular Includes in Framework Modules to both YES and NO in build settings
  5. Apple Clang -> Enable Modules to both YES and NO in build settings

the original source code was able to compile, build, and deploy about 4 months ago, but when I had to make some modification now, it won’t even build. Very frustrating.
